Doctor Soil Health Arecanut Special

Samarth Bio Tech Bio Fertilizer Doctor Soil Health Adike Special 5L

Doctor Soil Health Arecanut Special


Doctor Soil Health Arecanut Special is a nutrient package comprising essential plant nutrients, earth-warm exudates, herbal extracts proprietary organic compounds, with Arecanut specific symbiotic organisms for the complete development of Arecanut to all crop stages.


• Minimal fruit cracking and fruit dropping.
• Protect plants from biotic and abiotic stress.
• Improves plant immune system.
• Maintains soil pH and conditions the soil.
• Help in increasing beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.
• Stimulate cell division, thereby promoting the development of root and shoots

Product Dosage:  

5 L / Acre (Mix 1L in 100L of water. Apply 1L to each tree)

Packaging available: 1000ML, 5000ML, 10000ML, 20000ML

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