
Samarth Bio Tech Bio Fertilizer Promicrobes Azotica




PromicrobesAzotica comprises probiotic Azotobacter Chroococcum, a non-symbioticPlant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) imperative in the agricultural / horticultural biosystem.
Azotobacter sp. fixes the atmospheric nitrogen, thereby helping plants with nutritional requirement and produce phytohormones that contribute to root expansion, improved plant nutrient uptake, protection from root disease and increase in the biomass of the crop.

Advantages: • Improve plant health through nitrogen fixation.
• Helps in the production of growth hormone.
• Helps in plant disease management and reclamation of better soil health.
• Improve soil texture and crop yield.

Recommendation: Seed Treatment, Mix with FYM, Rhizosphere application

Product Dosage: For Seed Treatment: Mix 1L of Azotica with seeds required for 1 acre (Approx 25 – 40Kg)
• For seedling dip: Mix 10ml of Azotica with 1L of water, Dip the seedling for 10-20 minutes before transpalnting
• Drip Irrigation: Mix 2L of Azotica with 200 L of water. Drip irrigate 1 acre of land.
• Soil Application: Mix 2L Azotica with 100Kg compost or Organic manure, broadcast or apply neear the root zone.
• Foliar Spray: 5ml/L of water

Packaging: 1L

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